Sunday, February 27, 2011

Some Catching Up

The Great Pyramids!

Us on top of Mt. Sinai! Everyone was freezing and Im pretty sure I got frostbite. 

Tel-Arad with some awesomes.

Some Mt. Sinai


Valley of Elah practicing the sling swing. 

My trip to Tel Aviv for Sabbath. Here are some russian members who go to the branch in Tel Aviv! I love the Russian people! It was the best day ever.
St. Mary Magdalene's Monastery.  It was awesome... got to speak some more russian!

One of my favorite days in the old city! We are at the Ariel Center learning about the city of David.

The grasses of Israel with some flower. 

Elijah's Spring!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Inspiration from The Holy Land

I feel like the time has to come to share my life with the rest of the world. I have been debating on creating a blog for about 3.3 months. Also i have received some requests to start a blog and I think it is a great way get my name out there and let those I love know what I'm doing in my life. I would like to give a quick shout out to my peeps, Caitlin, A.J, Jessica, Rachel, and Chelsea who helped me start this new chapter of my life aka blogging. I don't know what will come of this but thats what makes it exciting... right? so I welcome all those who will visit this site and hope you receive some kind of inspiration from it. If not I have failed in my quest to be great!