Saturday, April 2, 2011

O Galilee, O Galilee

Wow it has been forever since I have updated this thing and for good reason to I would say. We just got back form Galilee about a week ago and we were there for 10 days or so.  It was such an amazing experience to be able to go to the cities where Jesus Christ walked, taught, healed, and blessed those who were in need and inflicted. So many wonderful things occurred in this part of The Holy Land that are hard to describe and would take forever to write down. I hope some of these pictures will portray the wonderful things that were experienced in Galilee. It was experience that has changed my life forever.
 A sweet jumping picture at Beit Shean. We stopped here on our way to Galilee. 

Beit She'an!

here is some of the crew taking a break from swimming in the Sea of Galilee!

After a long day field tripping we took some time to capture the sunset and just live in the moment!

Sea of Galilee

We took a boat ride across the Sea of Galilee. We read from the scriptures about the  events that occured on this sacred lake. It was amazing!

Found a heart rock at Peter's primacy

A beam of sorts in my eye

some of the broskis at the Med Sea!

this is where we hiked to and swam for about an hour. The water was freezing cold but it was a blast.

My roommate Greg Hudnall and I on our way back from the swimming hole. 

probably a lily of the field. 

This is K-Hutch, one of my dear friends at the JC. 

One of my favorite little girls, Sabrina Muhlestein. 

Here we are at Hurtzi right by galilee.

In a byzantine church if i remember correctly. I am sitting in the apse of the church. 

1 comment:

  1. I love reading your blog. It's Makes me smile
