Saturday, September 24, 2011


I'm taking a golf class this semester because I thought it would be a good idea. However I didn't know it was 4 days a week for an hour. It has been good though. For the class we have to go golfing at least 3 times through out the course of the semester. So today, My roommate and I pulled out the clubs and got our golf groove on. I won't lie, I'm pretty crappy at golfing. If i remember correctly, I lost multiple golf balls. But I am starting to get this technical game down. My biggest problem is driving. I can't seem to get the ball to go straight down the fairway; it always slices to the right.
 My other classes this semester are alright. I actually am really enjoying my business writing class. I already implement the things I have learned in it and it has been awesome!


I'm taking a golf class this semester because I thought it would be a good idea. However I didn't know it was 4 days a week for an hour. It has been good though. For the class we have to go golfing at least 3 times through out the course of the semester. So today, My roommate and I pulled out the clubs and got our golf groove on. I won't lie, I

Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Climb

Okay so last weekend we decided to veer from the natural routine of watching a movie Friday night and, instead, prepared ourselves to hike Mount Timp. Word on the street is if you haven’t climbed this Mountain, you aren’t a true human. Therefore we climbed it. We didn’t just climb it, however. We climbed it in the middle of the night in hopes to see the sun rise from its hiding place while chilling on the summit. And that is exactly what we did.
This little venture was exhausting and mentally tiring. I found myself stranded on a random glacier, soaked by hidden water holes, separated from the group, and at a dead end of multiple trails.  Nevertheless, I did make it to the top and was able to see the beautiful sun rise from the east.  It was worth the climb most definitely. It is one of those things I am glad I did but will probably never do it again, at least not for awhile.  

Thursday, September 8, 2011

This Semester's New Hobby

Who knew that Labor Day could bring a BYU student so much joy, not only for a day, but for many days to come? Maybe you do, I don't know. All I know is I have found a new interest that caught my attention faster than I can download an app on my Iphone 4. So what is this new interest that occupies my mind in class, at home, or during leisure time? Yes, you guessed it, Rock Climbing.  
Monday aka Labor Day, My brother and I took a small journey up American Fork Canyon to try our hand at rock climbing. He had been a couple times before and I was a complete novice. Also, he had never lead a climb before, so this was a first for both of us. The climb was great.  There is something about climbing that brings the man out of a person. Maybe its the strain on your muscles or the adrenaline that pumps through your veins when you are about to slip or can't figure out where to place your foot next, whatever it was, was awesome. So if you want to take a break from school, become a man, or connect with nature, rock climbing is one way to do so!

Friday, September 2, 2011

The Art of Blogging

It has been a long time since my last blog post and, quite frankly, I thought my blogging days were over. Once I returned from Jerusalem my desire to blog diminished. However, This fall I am enrolled in a business writing class and one of our assignments is to blog once a week. At first I was disheartened because blogging isn't my cup of tea. But I am beginning to warm up to the idea and its growing on me, slowly, but surely. The purpose of blogging, our Professor says, is to let us write about whatever we want and get practice developing our writing skills. More and more as I get farther in life with school and work, it becomes more apparent to me how vital it is to develop and acquire great communication skills. I am no Shakespeare but with practice and persistence by the end of this semester writing will hopefully be something I enjoy.